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Showing posts from March, 2018
Piping Engineer Piping Engineers are responsible for designing and building the piping systems that carry our water, gas, oil and waste. They are involved in every aspect of the creation of these piping systems. Piping Engineers first draw the blueprints for the system, and then they assist in selecting the materials that will be used to build the pipes and accompanying components.   Piping Engineer Duties and Responsibilities There are several duties that fall under the responsibility of Piping Engineers. The specific duties vary slightly depending upon industry. With that being said, the following duties are the ones that popped up most frequently in our analysis of Piping Engineer job descriptions. Survey Installation Sites Piping Engineers are responsible for going to the installation site of a piping system and surveying the land for any irregularities. They then analyze these observations as a part of the process for creating system blueprints. Draw Bluepr...